Loxley Gold Chunky Stretched Canvas 30 x 30, Pack of 5
LoxleyLoxley Gold Chunky Stretched Canvas 30 x 30, Pack of 5
Normally with my last supplier I had to re --prime the canvases
Painting large seascapes -oil on canvas I work with a gradation of colour and texture based on the light I see from the east coast of Scotland from a studio just outside St. Andrews - any flaw in the canvas is a distraction and affects the look of them - and is difficult to see before the paint settles and dries, to then re-access how they look. In preparing the canvas ready to paint I used to have to use a fine sandpaper to take out any discrepencies in the texture of the canvas and more often or not re-prime them. Painting a series of seascapoes which were a gradation of colour and texture it is important to have no distrations by any blemish on the furface. Your canvases are consistent in their quality and have made a difference to the ammout of prep work I used to have to do before starting a scape Thank you. David Joy The Grange St. Andrews Scotland
Really good quality canvases
First class products, and exceptional quick delivery, I shall certainly be purchasing more.